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The Bar-Ilan University Student Union is a registered non-profit association that unites and represents the students of Bar-Ilan University, working for their welfare. Founded in 1960, it is one of the oldest and largest student unions in Israel. The Bar-Ilan Student Union is a full member of the National Union of Israeli Students and holds a proper management certification from the Registrar of Associations. As an elected body composed of students, the union's role is to voice student concerns and mediate between them and the university.

The union operates in various areas that constitute the student experience, always with the students' welfare in mind:

- Creating optimal conditions for academic success and excellence;
- Addressing the social and economic needs of students;
- Improving various infrastructures and enhancing accessibility;
- Creating a rich social and cultural environment;
- Encouraging social involvement, student initiatives, and representing students to various bodies.

The union's offices are located in the Student Union Building (Building 107). On the ground floor, you will find several businesses for your service and different seating areas for your comfort. The upper floor houses the union offices, a large study hall open at all hours, and our service desk staffed by representatives ready to assist every student with any question, problem, or thought.

Who are we?

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The structure of the Student Union

מחלקת נציגים
מחלקת נציגים
מחלקת הפקות
מחלקת הפקות
מחלקת אקדמיה
מחלקת אקדמיה
מחלקת רווחה
מחלקת רווחה
מחלקת מעורבות סטודנטיאלית
מחלקת מעורבות סטודנטיאלית
מחלקת פרסום ודוברות
מחלקת פרסום ודוברות

Our Mission Statement

Bar-Ilan University's Student Union is responsible for representing students on and off campus. The union works for the welfare of students and provides a wide range of services in academic, cultural, economic, and social areas, while strengthening and enhancing relationships for the benefit of all students. The Student Union operates transparently and equitably, based on core foundational values:
Your Home on Campus: Service-oriented with responsive representation, an open-door policy, and a campus anchor for students.
Student Life Experience: A vibrant and youthful atmosphere.
Professionalism: The union is composed of professionals who work transparently, efficiently, and expertly.

דבר היו"ר

A word from the Chairman

The period of academic study is one of the most beautiful and enjoyable times in life. Alongside studies, assignments, and exams, many students find the time to contribute to society, develop various skills, and meet new friends.

The Student Union operates in a wide range of areas: improving the welfare of the student body, reinforcing academic studies and assistance in academic rights, representation before university departments, enhancing student involvement, social events, performances, and more.

The Union is here to assist you in each of these areas and to accompany you throughout your journey until the completion of your studies and receiving your degree. In every field, whether academic or social, the Union team serves as a listening ear for all students, and our doors are always open for any request for help or advice. We work for a diverse and broad student body: from all departments, all sectors, and from all over the university - everyone will find their home on campus here.

As a body that operates on your behalf and for your benefit, we are always open to suggestions for improving and optimizing our activities and to assist with any problem or question. Therefore, you are always welcome to contact us at our service desks, on our Facebook page, by email, or by phone, and we will be happy to serve you.

We look forward to meeting you across the campus.

Best wishes,

Reuven, Hila, and the entire Union team.


הצטרפות כחברי אגודה

*אתר זה נועד להקל על הסטודנטים המבקשים להצטרף כחברים באגודת הסטודנטים בר-אילן לשנת הלימודים תשפ"ד. חברי אגודה נהנים מהזכות לבחור ולהיבחר למוסדות האגודה, נהנים מייצוג האגודה, וכן משלל עדכונים על פעילויות האגודה, לרבות הודעות פרסום אודות הטבות ואירועים לרווחת הסטודנטים. על פי תקנון האגודה, זכאי להיות חבר אגודה כל סטודנט הרשום באוניברסיטת בר אילן, אשר שילם את דמי הרווחה לאוניברסיטה לאותה שנה אקדמית, ואשר הגיש בקשה להתקבל כחבר אגודה*

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